We have the local expertise and global standards to offer our clients services and solutions that improve workplace productivity and supports their success.


Tsebo has extensive experience in supporting our clients across a diverse range of industry sectors across Africa Middle East.


Enable your workplace to boost business performance

An organisation’s workplace is a means of production and integral to all activities both primary and secondary. Workplaces are not confined to just traditional office spaces – hospitals, retail malls, stadia, warehouses and even railway stations can be someone’s place of work.

A workplace adds value, helps deliver on strategic intent and is paramount in expressing your brand as well as attracting and retaining quality staff. The workplace is a tool that empowers an organisation to deliver on its strategic intent and is therefore an enabler of core business.

The rise of the US West coast tech giants such as Google, Facebook, Yahoo and Apple as well as some of the blue-chip South African Companies, have all used the workplace as a tool to improve business performance.

Progressive organisations recognise this and invest in their people, technology, and workplace.

As pioneering facilities and workplace management specialists, Tsebo Facility Solutions can help you to strategically manage your workplace to become a business performance enabler. Choose a value-adding business partner that is on the forefront of workplace optimisation and innovation – choose Tsebo Facility Solutions.

Look us up at www.tsebofs.com for more information and get a list of the 10 Workplace Questions every CEO should be asking their Board.