Sasol, a leading international integrated chemicals and energy company, awarded Tsebo Cleaning Services for being the ‘Top Performing Services Supplier for Group Functions’ in the Large Enterprise Category. The Award Ceremony was held at Sasol’s Head Office in Sandton on Friday, 15 June.
Wynand Louw, Chief Executive Officer – Cleaning and Hygiene Services, and Dr. Chris Jardine, Group Executive Director, were invited to attend the exclusive Award Ceremony, which annually aims to give recognition to suppliers for providing excellent customer services and for helping Sasol to reach its transformational goals.
Wynand accepted the certificate of recognition on Tsebo Cleaning Services’ behalf.
“I am very proud of this award and thankful to be recognised by such a strategic partner and customer of ours,” says Wynand. “Our team’s extraordinary commitment to service delivery has been validated in achieving this accolade. We are very grateful to each employee who has made this possible.”
According to Chris, it is heartening and quite humbling to be recognised for service excellence by a company like Sasol. “Well done to our teams on the ground, who were able to outperform our competitors in such a demanding environment. We now need to aim to exceed this standard into the future.”
Go to tsebocleaning.co.za to learn more about the leaders in the contract cleaning and hygiene industry.
Photo top: (left) Wynand Louw, Chief Executive Officer – Cleaning and Hygiene Services, and (right) Janine Tuck, National Operations Director – Tsebo Cleaning Services. Photo bottom: Wynand Louw receiving the certificate from Sasol.